Justin Skipton Elected as an Officer of the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA)

PARK CITY, Utah, Aug. 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On Friday afternoon Justin Skipton was elected by his peers to lead the National Association of Public Insurance Adjuster, NAPIA, into the future as an officer of the association. NAPIA was founded in 1951 by a group of visionaries who knew that the growing industry of public insurance adjusting needed to become a profession, with strict rules of ethics, code of conduct, and a cogent governing philosophy. Justin will transition up the officer line from secretary to the treasurer position. This move places Justin in line to be the future President of NAPIA in 2026. Justin’s dedication and drive to improve all aspects of the insurance industry gave little pause to the unanimous vote to install him as the 2021-2022 treasurer.

In addition, to serving as the treasurer of NAPIA, Justin is dedicated to his work as a public adjuster for Skipton and Associates, Inc., www.skiptoninc.com , based in Phoenix, Arizona. Justin is currently licensed in over a dozen states including Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Idaho, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Utah, and Iowa. For additional information about Justin Skipton go to www.justinskipton.com

Skipton and Associates, Inc.
DBA: SKIPTON claims management
Jeremy D. Skipton


SOURCE Skipton and Associates, Inc.