PHILADELPHIA, March 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Lassen Law Firm’s nationwide life insurance lawyers serving all 50 states will help those with denied life insurance claims. These are the most common reasons for life insurance claim denials.

- Not a Known Risk. Insurance companies frequently deny claims of a death by a new illness such as a new Coronavirus, like COVID-19, stating that the illness was not around at the time the policy was made, therefore, the premium did not account for the risk.
- Contestability Period. In most states this is 2 years and gives the life insurance company the right to investigate the application and medical records.
- No Beneficiary. Claim might not be paid if beneficiary not named.
- Last-Minute Beneficiary Change. Typically a new girlfriend, boyfriend, caregiver or person with a Power of Attorney may submit a change before death.
- Disputed Beneficiary. One or more people dispute the named beneficiary.
- Ex-Spouse Still Named as a Beneficiary and insurance companies will deny due to state laws which can cut off an ex-spouse.
- Beneficiary Form Not Accepted. Many times a beneficiary change form was not accepted by the insurance company.
- Misrepresentation on the application. Denial due to some medical issue wasn’t disclosed on the initial application
- Criminal Background Not Disclosed. Can be basis for denial.
- Wrong Social Security Number on Application. Another reason for denial.
- An Undisclosed Doctor or Hospital Visit. A claim may be denied for this.
- Lapse of Payment. If a payment wasn’t received the claim may be denied.
- Waiver of Premium. Denial caused by employer’s mistake.
- Suicide. Many deaths are denied due to suicide and/or self-inflicted injury.
- Autoerotic asphyxiation. Deaths can be denied if deceased died during this act.
- Felony. Claims can be denied if death happened during commission of a felony.
- Prescription Drug Exclusion. A claim can be denied if a prescription drug was in the deceased’s system such a fentanyl patch.
- Illegal Drug Exclusion. Claims can be denied due to heroin overdose.
- Alcohol Exclusion. Insured may have been driving drunk, for example.
- Murder. Beneficiaries can’t collect if they murdered the insured.
- Inherently Dangerous Activity. Claim denial due to car racing, bungie jumping, skydiving, aerobatic flying, cliff diving, scuba diving, etc.
- Foreign Death. Insurance companies frequently deny foreign deaths as they may not believe the death certificate is authentic, etc.
We Serve all 50 States. Call Attorney Christian Lassen at 1-800-900-2521 or Visit
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Christian Lassen
SOURCE Lassen Law Firm